Age 8 to 10.5
Each week
Cubs take part in a wide range of activities designed to be interesting and challenging. Meetings consist of games and activities with plenty of time spent outdoors.
Trips and activities
Cubs take part in the fun and excitement of camps and sleepovers. It may be the first time they spend a night away from home so it’s a real adventure for them.
What it costs
Scouting is an affordable way of providing a range of exciting and adventurous activities for your child.
In a recent survey, 75% of parents said Scouting provided the best value for money compared to other activities like sports and martial arts groups, youth clubs and drama or music classes.
There is currently an annual fee of only £80 which covers weekly activities. Day trips and camps are charged separately, but are normally subsidised by the scout group.
Beavers wear core uniform of a coloured sweatshirt. They will also wear a special group scarf.
The uniform can either be bought using the shop link above, or from the Scout Shop in Elmbank Street. You can also ask the leaders for more information.
We don’t want young people to miss out through financial hardship. If concerns about finances may prevent your child taking part in Scouting or some activities, speak to your local leader, as some assistance may be available in confidence.
Where do the badges go?
You can find a diagram of the positions of badges here.
Parents and Carers
If your child is interested in Cubs, or you're keen for them to become involved, take a look at some of the questions we're most frequently asked by parents and carers.
How to join
You can give it a try for a few weeks to see how they like it. Just wear a pair of trainers and some comfortable clothes.
If you're interested please contact Joe Robertson using the contact form below.