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The publication of Baden-Powell's Scouting for Boys in 1908 led to the formation of a great number of small groups of boys who wished to give practical expression to his writings, It was against this background that the 113 was born, The exact date of its formation is not known as the earliest surviving records date only from 1917. But what is certain is that it was formed by 1909, probably starting in late 1908.


12 Peveril Avenue

The first meeting place was the cellar of no 12 Peveril Avenue, Burnside. The first Scoutmaster was Mr A Oliver Walker. Associated with the group and Mr Walker was Mr Jock Gillespie who was formerly of the Queens Own Glasgow Yeomanry and who had served in the South African War. By 1910 there were too many boys for the cellar, but through the efforts of Jock Gillespie the group was able to have use of the new clubhouse at Blairbeth Golf Course - Jock Gillespie was the new course's first captain. In return for the use of the Clubhouse, the group undertook maintenance work on the golf course, even to the extent of building small bridges over the burns which traversed the course.


It was after the move to Blairbeth that the group of boys was properly organised into a Scout Troop with the formation of Patrols. The Troop's first neckerchief was a blue one, but after official registration of the Troop, this was changed to the present white neckerchief with a purple border. In 1911 the new Troop attended its first Scout Rally at Scotstoun Showground at which Baden-Powell was present.


Crawfurd Road

Although the Troop was grateful for the use of the Blairbeth Clubhouse, it was clear that headquarters of its own were necessary. By the kindness of the Stirling-Stuarts of Castlemilk, who presented the ground in Crawfurd Road rent free and the holding of a Garden Fete, sufficient funds were raised to purchase parts of several empty and disused buildings in different parts of Glasgow to put together a building comprising upper and lower halls for use as Scout Headquarters. This building was to be the home of the 113th Glasgow (Burnside) Troop until extensively upgraded into the present halls on the same site and which were opened in 1957 by Mr J Stuart Stevenson.






































Of the Group itself, it has always been fortunate in the Officers who have led it. Mostly these Officers have been 'Home-bred' which suggests that the Troop has always had strength and quality. Indeed, many other Groups, across the world, owe their formation to Leaders from the 113. Its Cub and Rover, and Beaver sections were established at a very early stage, even before their official recognition by the Scout Movement, Many of the Troop's members and ex-members have received Scouting Awards for their services to the Troop and to Scouting in general. One of the most noted members and one of the original troop, having joined as a monkey scout in 1908, was Dr T F Greenhill, Scoutmaster 1922-27, who as an ex-member and friend was awarded both the Medal of Merit and then the highest honour, The Silver Wolf. Dr Greenhill also became District Commissioner and an Assistant County Commissioner for Glasgow.


Over the years the Troop has had a very good record in open competitions as its array of trophies indicates, The Troop has attended regularly the Scout Jamborees since 1920 and has given hospitality to visiting parties of foreign Scouts. Many of the Troop's members served either in the First or Second World Wars and of these, those who did not return are remembered in the Troop's War Memorial Plaque.


Currently, the Group sections run an innovative and exciting blend of Scouting, combining both traditional values with the most modern of ideas and activities. It would not be unusual for laptops to be housed in a 1915 vintage Bell-tent, next to modern lightweight hike tents; scouts could be signalling using semaphore flags, with field telephones and walkie-talkies in parallel; cubs could be backwoods cooking and surfing the 'net for menu ideas.

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113th Glasgow (Burnside) Scout Group is a charity registered in Scotland registered Number SCSC032143

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